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首頁 > 西式划船 > 四人艇4- > 鋁製機翼型四人單槳比賽用西式划

Italia S-4-

  1. Filippi西式划船材質:
    High resistance carbon fibres, Kevlar, honeycomb, a sandwich with high properties which
    guarantees higher resistances in comparison with the standard laminations.

Italia S-4-

船型 長度
F11 11.78 40.3 57-75 50-50.5
F25 12.72 43.8 85-100 50-50.5
F19 12.81 44.4 75-100 52-52.5
F20 12.86 48 85-100 50-50.5
F28 12.66 43.5 75-85 50-50.5
F31 12.1 44.3 70-85 50-50.5
F34 11.7 48 70-80 50-50.5
F38 12.8 44.7 85-100 50-50.5
*F40 12.72 43.8 85-100 50-50.5
*F43 11.78 40.3 60-75 52-52

★ 詳細規格資料,請洽客服人員 ★